Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Rory and Heidi

I must confess. Salty, liquid, discharges just came from my eyes. Before writing about new pets, I had to go back and read my older posts, to make sure I wasn't being repetitious. I hate being such a sissy, but I do miss Pepper Potts, and I always will.

Katie, Isaiah, and I are blessed to have a new member join our family. "Rory" is a cockapoo, just over seven weeks old. She's amazingly cute. She gets along great with Isaiah. She loves to play. She can be a bit aggressive with her teeth, but she's still just a baby.

Isaiah looks pissed off in this picture, so I guess I should say, she "mostly" gets along with Isaiah. 

We had a tough time picking out a name for this little girl. Kate wanted cute names and I wanted names that had some kind of fun pop culture reference. The only reason we settled on "Rory" was because Kate suggested it, knowing I would think of "Doctor Who" and she would think of "Gilmore Girls". She knew it was a winner when she saw my face light up at the mention of it. Also, we've abbreviated as a nickname to "Ro". "Ro Laren" was a character in 'Star Trek: The Next Generation', so we got a triple cross-over, without meaning to.

I don't know what the bloody hell we/I were thinking getting a seven-week old puppy, to go along with our 17 month old toddler, and me, as a stay-at-home-dad. But I wouldn't trade either of my little shitheads for anything. Except maybe a six-pack and a bottle of whiskey. Even then, I'd take Isaiah and Rory. They're just too damned cute. 

If you read my blog regularly, (I'm not sure why you would), you'd know that my brother's family also lost their dog the same weekend. We're gonna miss Rosie. But on a positive side, we're happy to welcome 'Heidi' into the family. My niece, Graciana, was promised she could get a new dog when school was over. School is done tomorrow, so my brother has to go get this little girl.

She looks a little green to me, but I can't wait to meet her.

It's been a rough couple of weeks. But finally everyone has a place, and able to make a routine. I'll let you know when I get into a routine with a toddler and a puppy. I hope it's soon.


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