I won't lie. I planned to start this blog last year, at about the same time of year. I even took notes on what I thought would were the best brand new shows of the year. This is funny, and in no particular order.
Last Resort - I thought the characters and their development were great. I thought the political intrigue was great. I thought the action was sufficient. #AutumnReeser from #TheOC is super hot. Then it got cancelled. At least #AndreBraugher got another shot at a primetime show with #Brooklyn99.
#Arrow - I'm a total #fanboy, so anyone who knows me knew I'd love this one. If I were a chick or gay, #StephenAmell would totally do it for me. Since I'm neither, #WillaHolland will absolutely have to do. Coincidentally, another OC cast member. We'll talk more about this one after the premiere.
Go On - It was nice to see #MatthewPerry again, even if he did pretty much play the role of Chandler, again. It was funny, and I thought it could last. But really, no one wanted to watch him play the same role without the rest of the cast of #Friends.
#Revolution - Grabbed me from the start, bored me after a few episodes, grabbed me again, and then lost me by the finale. I really liked the idea, and the cast I just was never sure what the hell was going on, or what was coming next. I still don't. But the S2 premiere was awesome, and I'll keep trying to keep up.
Guys with Kids - Cancelled. And what a shame that is. Could I have been partial because I'm married, waiting for a baby, with married friends, some of whom have babies? Sure. But this could have been a great ensemble cast, for a great comedy. #Friends with families? I don't think it could go that far, but our #30Something generation could have gotten down with it.
So, in conclusion, I was 3 out of 5 shows I thought were great last year, got cancelled. I hope I do better this year.
So, what are your predictions for 2013?!