Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Worst Movies of all time - addendum

Dear Readers,

The last time I blogged about the worst movies of all time was in July of 2015. At the time, I couldn't remember all of the movies I had placed on my list. I also couldn't remember which of my journals I had kept the list. So, over the past 6 months I've made sure to jot notes when I thought of terrible movies that deserve to be on the list. I also asked friends and family to remind me, of some of the garbage we've seen, and which is noteworthy.

The following movies are terrible. Avoid them at all costs. As a side note, in my humble opinion, Brendan Fraser is one of the worst actors of all time. All of his movies should be ignored, "With Honors" being a possible exception. Some of his rubbish is on this list.

Talking about terrible movies I confused titles. Urban Cowboy is bloody awful, but Rhinestone is easily one of the worst movies of all time. Watch it straight through, but keep a nurse on hand. Your eyes will bleed.

Over the Top
Back-to-back horrible Stallone movies. I love the Rocky movies, but these two are completely unforgivable.

Jeepers Creepers
I saw this load of crap with one of my first serious girlfriends. Afterwards we had a late dinner at White Castle. White Castle was the highlight of our date.

Bedazzled and Blast From the Past
Brendan Fraser may go straight to hell for these two bad jokes of a movie. The only redeeming scene in any of his movies is this.

50 Shades of Grey
I accept the shame. Not only did I try to watch this piece of trash with my wife, we both read the piece of trash book it was based on. It might not be bad enough to blind you, but that's only because you won't get through it.

This is how I reacted to this piece of crap movie.

Superman III
Batman & Robin was terrible. Superman IV was worse. Superman III was only slightly less shitty. Superman subdued evil kryptonite/tar with a stack of tires. A stack of tires. Seriously.

Hopefully, I don't have to sit through too many more of these crappy movies. If I do, I'll make sure to post another addendum to the worst movies of all time. As always, thanks burning brain cells reading my blog.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and try not to screw up 2016
